Representative Projects
Our project history demonstrates a wide varety of GIS application areas including: environmental management, local government, utilities maintenance, water resources, and cartography.
GIS Support: City of Fishers, IN
TopoWorks has provided multiple years of GIS support to the City of Fishers, IN, including items such as:
• Esri software lifecycle planning and management
• database design and maintenance using Microsoft SQL Server;
• automating GIS tasks with Python;
• creating maps, applications and dashboards via the ArcGIS Platform;
• developing mobile GIS collection systems using ArcGIS Collector, ArcGIS Survey123, and ArcGIS QuickCapture
• integrating GIS with other applications such asset management, permitting, and video pipe inspections.
• Esri software lifecycle planning and management
• database design and maintenance using Microsoft SQL Server;
• automating GIS tasks with Python;
• creating maps, applications and dashboards via the ArcGIS Platform;
• developing mobile GIS collection systems using ArcGIS Collector, ArcGIS Survey123, and ArcGIS QuickCapture
• integrating GIS with other applications such asset management, permitting, and video pipe inspections.
Desert Tortoise Monitoring Support: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and University of Nevada, Reno
TopoWorks has provided multiple years of database support for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife’s Desert Tortoise Monitoring efforts. Support has included assistance with data management plans including quality assurance and quality control plans and protocols; assistance with training crews and quality control specialists; design, development, and implementation of GIS and non-GIS databases; and design, development, and implementation of automated quality control applications for each year of monitoring data to produce the final databases used by scientists for density analyses.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Support: Lodestar Management/Research, Inc.
TopoWorks developed a series of maps describing income and poverty characteristics in Los Angeles, San Bernardino, and Riverside Counties of Southern California. The maps helped Big Brothers Big Sisters focus on areas with need and with resources in close proximity.
Fire Mapping: San Diego Union-Tribune
TopoWorks developed a series of maps depicting variables that affect fire conditions for the San Diego Union-Tribune newspaper. The maps helped convey areas that might be more and less prone to fires in and surrounding San Diego, CA.
Custom ArcMap Tools For Querying: Environmental Engineering and Contracting, Inc.
TopoWorks developed custom tools for ArcMap to allow municipal governments to perform specific queries of their GIS data based on supporting data from a stand alone Microsoft Access database. The tools were delivered as a new toolbar in ArcMap and were written so that they could be modified and repurposed for a variety of applications.
Precipitation Modeling: Redlands Institute
TopoWorks supported the Redlands Institute of the University of Redlands on their Desert Tortoise Project (DTP), a major multi-year project focused on providing better estimates of desert tortoise populations, habitat, and threats within the West Mojave. We assisted with research, evaluation, and development of desert tortoise precipitation models (using the ArcGIS 9.0 Geoprocessing, scripting, and ModelBuilder environments), as well as development of an overall Data Compilation Strategy. The precipitation models were used to obtain a measure of rainfall effectiveness in support of desert tortoise habitat. The models addressed amount of rainfall in a given season, variability in the amount of that rainfall, and drought potential. The models will aid with decision support initiatives designed to provide managers with information and tools to aid planning and decision making.
Desert Tortoise Project GIS Course: Redlands Institute
The Desert Tortoise Project GIS Course is a customized training course designed and presented to stakeholders of the Redlands Institute's Desert Tortoise Project. The course includes the standard ESRI Introduction to ArcGIS I course as well as customized material describing Geographic Information Science (GIScience) and how to work with specific types of data widely used in the desert tortoise community. If you are interested in this course, email
Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Water Monitoring Support for Imperial Valley, CA: Redlands Institute
TopoWorks assisted with the implementation of a pilot project using GIS to assist with water monitoring efforts for the RWQCB in Imperial Valley, CA. We designed and developed ArcGIS map templates, reports (using Crystal Reports), a customized report viewer tool (using Visual Basic for Applications), and a one-day training session to teach staff about ArcGIS and the pilot deliverables. The final pilot application which included a data import tool developed by the Redlands Institute won first place in the Software Applications Fair at the 2004 ESRI International User Conference. Funding for this project was provided through a grant from the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB).
World Bank Visitor Center Prototype: Geographic Planning Collaborative, Inc.
TopoWorks assisted with the development of a prototype Science on a Sphere display for the World Bank Headquarters in Washington D.C. Science on a Sphere is a technology developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA) for projecting rotating datasets on a large sphere (~6 feet in diameter) creating the dramatic effect of looking at Earth in space. We designed cartographic standards and assisted with database design for the science on a sphere visualiztions. The visualizations showcased important world development indicators for the World Bank, such as poverty, gross national income, and population growth.
Children and Families Commission Project Consulting: Redlands Institute
TopoWorks collaborated with the Redlands Institute to enhance strategic planning efforts of the San Bernardino Children and Families Commission (also known as First 5 San Bernardino). First 5 San Bernardino is incorporating GIS to enhance its strategic planning efforts. GIS is being used to map and analyze both needs and assets within San Bernardino County.